...since my last post. Juggling work, family, baby, friends, and miscellaenous other stuff (like trying to maintain a tiny fragment of a social life), really eats away at the time I planned to allocate to updating this blog. I can't believe the July's ending soon - summer is halfway over already (and so is 2011!)
One of my biggest challenges in blogging is re-learning how to write in a open and engaging way, especially given that the bulk of any writing in the last several years has been very cut-and-dry stuff like emails and application review comments. I hope that this blog will help me develop a stronger writing style which infuses more of my own personality within its contents!
Moving onto another topic, I've belatedly started planning A's first birthday party (called the dohl), which is a pretty significant event in korean culture. I like to call it "my second wedding," as it entails just as much planning and stress (many moms say even more). With the event less than 2 months away and nothing really done, I've got a ton of stuff to do. More details on dohl planning in future posts!